Edit group finder
The details of all jogscotland jogging sessions are kept in the Group Finder, so that potential new members can find you and get in touch.
In this section you can:
- Enter the details of a brand new group;
- Add extra jogging sessions to an existing group.
This page offers a quick guide, but you can also download this more thorough pdf guide to help you.
Getting Started
Before you start it’s useful to make sure you know the difference between a group and a session.
Group – this is your overall group – for instance John’s Joggers. Your group has a coordinator, someone designated to oversee the whole group.
Session – This is an individual jogging session – for instance, Monday 6pm or Wednesday 8.30pm. In the Group Finder, each session has a designated leader. This might be the same person as the group coordinator (especially for a small group with only one or two sessions), or it might be someone different (in the case of large groups which have several sessions run by different leaders). The session leader’s name and contact details are published on the Group Finder so people can get in touch.
New group?
If you are adding a brand new group to the Group Finder, please go to our Add a group form. First you will be asked for information about your overall group, then you will be asked information about your first session. Please note that you can only add one session to begin with. As soon as we have checked and approved your information, it will be published to the Group Finder. You’ll receive an email letting your know it’s live, and you can then come back and add extra sessions if necessary.
New session?
If your group is already on the Group Finder and you want to add an extra session, please go to our Add a session form. Here you will be asked to provide information about your new session and choose the group that it belongs to. Group coordinators will be asked to approve all additional sessions so we advise that you speak to your group coordinator before creating a new session.
Other changes to the Group Finder
If you would like to change any other information about your groups or sessions, such as deleting a group, changing times or locations, please email Jo Stevens.
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2 days ago
Eating Disorder Awareness Week: Jo's Story - Jog Scotland
This week (24 Feb – 2 March) is Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Now 6 years into her own recovery journey, jogscotland’s Programme Manager, Jo Skead, has shared her experience as she hopes to help...Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linked In Share by Email