Start a jog group

To start a jog group, your first step will be to take our leader course, called Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF). Once you have completed the course and received your scottishathletics licence card, you will be qualified to start your own jog group, or to help lead at an existing group. You will also be insured to lead your sessions, and will be able to access all the support and resources provided by the jogscotland head office and our huge network of other groups and leaders.
jogscotland groups can be set up anywhere. Some are attached to workplaces, gyms, leisure trusts or community centres; others just meet in their local park, car park, or even on a handy street corner! They might use local pavements, trails, footpaths or running tracks for their jogging sessions.
Some Jog Leaders are employed by an organisation like a gym or leisure trust to lead their group. Others act as self-employed leaders of their own group and charge their members a small amount per session or per block to pay for their time. Others still choose to lead as volunteers – either they hold sessions free of charge, or make a small charge and money paid by members is ploughed back into the group, to help pay for event entries, T-shirts, charitable donations etc.
If you want to start a jog group in your workplace, please see the jogworks section of our website.
If you have any queries, please contact Jo Stevens.
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2 days ago
Eating Disorder Awareness Week: Jo's Story - Jog Scotland
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