Safeguarding and Licensing for jog leaders
Jog Leaders must hold a valid leader licence, issued by scottishathletics. When you take your leadership in running fitness course, you’ll be told how to apply for your first licence.
Please note: Your scottishathletics licence is not the same as your jogscotland membership. The licence is a grey card, issued by scottishathletics, and renewed every three years. Your jogscotland membership is operated by jogscotland/scottishathletics, is free of charge, and must be renewed annually. You can check or update your jogscotland membership online.
Renewing your licence
scottishathletics will send out a renewal reminder via email on the first of the month, approximately 16 weeks prior to the expiry date on your licence, and a further three reminders on the first of every month thereafter. You will receive details of how to book the mandatory training (Safeguarding and First Aid) and the other steps required to renew your licence card.
The following steps must be completed to renew your licence:
- Complete our online Self-Declaration form
- Complete your Mandatory Training ie. online safeguarding course and the first aid qualification most appropriate for your group’s activities, following the guidance provided by UKA.
- Log onto the MyAthletics Portal and check that the photograph on your record is up to date, or less than nine years old. If it’s not, please upload a new one, as an out-of-date photo will delay the renewal process. Please also ensure the home address, email address and phone number on your coaching record are correct.
- Ensure you have read and accepted the scottishathletics licencing terms and conditions in Athletics Hub
Once these steps are completed satisfactorily, your record will be updated, and your licence will be renewed. (Please note that you may not see an on-screen message confirming that the process is complete, but if you have completed the steps above, you have completed the renewal procedure). While it may a few weeks to receive your card, you will continue to be licenced and insured.
- Queries regarding mandatory training, ie. first aid and safeguarding, must be directed to:
- Other queries may be directed to:
Safeguarding in running and athletics
jogscotland is part of scottishathletics, the National Governing Body for athletics in Scotland.
You can find useful information on the topic of welfare in our sport, in the Welfare section of the scottishathletics website including pages on safeguarding, clean sport, and mental health and wellbeing in athletics.
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2 days ago
Eating Disorder Awareness Week: Jo's Story - Jog Scotland
This week (24 Feb – 2 March) is Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Now 6 years into her own recovery journey, jogscotland’s Programme Manager, Jo Skead, has shared her experience as she hopes to help...Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linked In Share by Email