Sign up for World Menopause Day activities
Monday 3 October 2022

World Menopause Day 2022 falls on 18 October, and as part of our #MenopauseFriendly campaign, we’d like our groups to hold a special session aimed at making people feel more comfortable staying active as they move through menopause. Sessions can be held at any time during the w/c 17 October.
We have created a discussion-based activity that you can carry out before your group warms up or after you’ve done your cool down – jog leaders can sign up online to take part. We’ll provide the resources, you just need to make the time and space for people to chat.
Sign up for Menopause Group Activity w/c 17 Oct (
This activity continues the work of our Menopause Friendly campaign, launched last year. It aims to support groups to make sure their jogs are suitable for joggers going through menopause. Simple changes like flexible sessions, starting and ending close to public toilets, and being happy to chat about menopausal symptoms, can really make a difference and help people to stay active during this stage of life.
We also have plenty of online resources for joggers and jog leaders who want to find out more about staying active through menopause.
So get talking, support one another, and stay active!
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