Running and Menopause – a free seminar for Jog Leaders with Dr Juliet McGrattan
Friday 12 November 2021

We are delighted to invite our jog leaders to join us for a special evening with Dr Juliet McGrattan. Juliet is an expert in running and health, a former GP and award-winning author. She will be talking to us about the menopause and running – what the effects can be, and how best to support our joggers through what can be a challenging time of life. The session is open to all jog leaders, whether or not they have, or ever will, experience menopause. We want to equip all our jog leaders with the information and tools they need to help others, and help make menopause something that can be discussed openly and honestly.
Public figures have started to talk more in recent times about the challenges they’ve faced going through menopause, and here at jogscotland HQ, that’s been reflected in the conversations we’re having with jog leaders. Not only are more jog leaders telling us about the way menopause has affected their running, we’re also hearing that more joggers are asking for advice on the topic too.
We’d like to help our jog leaders to support their joggers on this important topic, and help to break down yet another barrier to getting, and staying, active.
The talk from Juliet will be the highlight of a week of activity on the topic of menopause and running, starting on 22 November.
We’ve been working with a small group of jog leaders with lived experience of menopause and running, to put together helpful resources and information for both joggers and jog leaders, and we look forward to sharing with you what we’ve developed. More on that soon, but we’d now like to invite our jog leaders to sign up for our Zoom seminar on 24 November.
Join us!
All jog leaders have been emailed the sign-up link, and information is also posted in the Jog Leader facebook group. This session is only for Jog Leaders, though we hope in future we might be able to hold a similar session for joggers too.
WIN! As an added incentive, Juliet has kindly offered us a free copy of each of her books – Run Well and Sorted – to be won by two people who sign up to the event! We’ll draw the lucky winners on the night.
You can read more about Juliet below – she is a great spokeswoman on issues around women’s health, particularly connected to running.
Juliet McGrattan
Juliet spent 16 years working as a GP and now uses her medical knowledge and love of running to help and inspire others to lead active lives. Her book, Sorted:The Active Woman’s Guide to Health, published by Bloomsbury, was awarded first prize in the Popular Medicine category in the British Medical Association Medical Book Awards 2018. Her second book Run Well: Essential health questions and answers for runners was published earlier this year. She blogs, writes and presents regularly on the topic of physical activity for health and is the resident Health Expert for Women’s Running magazine. She is the Women’s Health Lead, Master Coach and UK Director for 261 Fearless, a global, non-profit network which empowers women through running. Find out more at
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