Guidance for Phase 2 of COVID-19 Exit Plan
Friday 19 June 2020

jogscotland and scottishathletics welcomed the First Minister’s announcement on Thursday 18 June on easing Covid-19 restrictions and moving through the route map process and into Phase 2. We have been working collaboratively with both the Scottish Government and sportscotland to progress plans for the return of sport and group activities when it is safe to do so as part of future phases.
Subsequently, we have now updated our own route maps based on the guidance provided and have produced Phase 2 map guides for:
- Guidance for Athletes and Joggers
- Guidance for Clubs and Groups
- Guidance for Coaches and Jog Leaders
- Guidance for Facilities
Our overall route map framework document remains unchanged.
* Updated: Following two Zoom meetings for jog leaders hosted by jogscotland staff, you can now also download the presentation given during those sessions, some FAQs and other useful documents – just visit our COVID-19 page.
It should also be noted that the Scottish Government view this phase as a further extension of exercise guidelines and not a specific return to sport, and public health and wellbeing remains the pressing priority.
The key changes for Phase 2 include:
- From Friday 19 June training/coaching group numbers have been expanded from meeting one other household to two other households. Strict physical distancing and hygiene measures remain in place. (However, please note there is an extended household rule ie. someone living alone, or a single parent, can form an extended household with one other household see Scottish Government guidance).
- From Monday 29 June, outdoor athletics facilities will be permitted to open. Not all facilities will be able to open immediately following guidance changes and there will often be time lags as plans are put in place to re-engage staff, set up operations and ensure safety of participants. We urge our members to be patient in this respect and communicate with your respective facility operators. Please note facilities will be open in line with strict social distancing and hygiene measures and must be adhered to at all times.
- The recommendation for travel distance for exercise has not changed and remains at 5 miles.
- Please also note that, as previously, the recommendation is to remain 2m apart from other runners while side-by-side, and 5m apart when running single file.
Two Zoom Q&A sessions for jog leaders will be held within the next week to discuss Phase 2 recommendations with jogscotland staff – sign-up details will be emailed direct to jog leaders.
A guide for competition providers and technical officials will be released and communicated during Phase 2, with an anticipation that some competition formats may recommence from August (although this is subject to Scottish government guidance and potential change).
Be aware that this guidance can change quickly, so please refer to the scottishathletics/jogscotland websites regularly. However, clubs/groups, coaches/jog leaders and athletes/joggers must follow the attached guidelines from both a government policy, health and safeguarding perspective.
We are keen to stress that these documents are guides that we hope provide you some advice and forward thinking, allowing the sport to proactively plan ahead. They should be read in conjunction with any updated Scottish Government guidance on health, physical distancing, and hygiene.
Participants should be aware of and adapt to changes in guidance at short notice. Information on the Scottish Government’s approach to managing covid-19 is available at
Additional information can be found via Health Protection Scotland at
Additionally there is also information available at the following
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