Covid update – 30 October 2020
Friday 30 October 2020

Further to the update provided by the First Minister on 23 October regarding the announcement of a five-level system of ‘protections’, the Scottish Government has now completed its consultation process and debated the new framework within parliament. The new framework will be introduced on Monday 2 November 2020 at 6am with the five levels broadly in line with those published last week.
scottishathletics and jogscotland have, just this evening, received the latest agreed guidance for sport between Scottish Government and sportscotland.
Key points include:
- For adult, outdoor jog groups, all those up to and including Level 3 may continue to meet in bubbles of up to 15 people with no physical distancing required (with an ideal ratio of at least 1:12 leaders to joggers).
- In Level 4, physical distancing is required (2m side by side and 5m single file).
However – we would ask jog leaders to also please read the guidance documents carefully for full details.
There are two documents, the Framework, which provides a simple summary, and the full Guidance. Whereas we have previously created separate guidance documents for leaders, groups and joggers, there is now only one guidance document for all.
Click here to read both documents on the Covid 19 page of our website.
At this point we ask jog groups to follow the Scottish Government general travel guidance, with the exception that, at all levels, jog leaders/coaches (both paid and voluntary) are permitted to travel between areas specifically for the purpose of leading/coaching.
However – we anticipate there will be more detailed sport-specific guidance issued next week, and we will update with this as soon as we receive it.
Zoom update session
To provide you with further information we will once again be holding a Covid-19 update and Q&A session on Zoom for jogscotland groups, jog leaders and covid coordinators. This will take place at 6.30pm on Wednesday 4 November at 6.30pm. Sign up details will be emailed to jog leaders and covid coordinators. The slides and questions from the session will be made available on the jogscotland website afterwards.
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4 days ago
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