Our new guidance for Phase 1 of Exit Plan Framework
Thursday 28 May 2020

Phase 1 Route Map – Guidance for Athletes and Joggers
Phase 1 Route Map – Guidance for Clubs and Jog Groups
Phase 1 Route Map – Guidance for Coaches and Jog Leaders
scottishathletics and jogscotland have been closely following developments as we begin to emerge from lockdown, and have now updated the scottishathletics Exit Plan Framework, along with our own ‘route maps’ for athletes/joggers, clubs/jog groups, and coaches/jog leaders, that adhere to the Scottish Government’s latest advice.
This follows on from the Scottish Government announcements today (Thursday 28 May) and the publication last week of COVID-19 – Framework for Decision Making – Scotland’s route map through and out of the crisis.
It is intended that this should give some helpful clarity as the sport moves towards a return.
The guidance will come into effect from Friday 29 May 2020.
Please note that advice for Phase 1 being communicated is that one-to-one coaching/jog leading is permitted if it is outdoors, physical distancing can be maintained, and is with members of your household and/or members of one other household.
A coach should not deliver training to more than one household at any one time or provide training to more than one household per day.
Coaching a child (U18) from a different household one-to-one is not permitted unless a parent/carer is present so that you comply with our safeguarding policy.
Be aware that this guidance can change quickly, so please refer to the scottishathletics and jogscotland websites regularly. However, coaches/leaders and athletes/joggers must follow the attached guidelines from both a government policy perspective and for health and safeguarding reasons.
The plan is to update these documents (along with additional documents for event organisers and technical officials) as we exit Phase 1 and into each new phase.
The documents are available to download at the top of this story –
Note: References to ‘coaches’ include jog leaders; references to ‘clubs’ include jog groups; references to ‘athletes’ include jogscotland joggers/walkers.
We are keen to stress that these documents are guides that we hope provides athletes, joggers, coaches, jog leaders, clubs, and groups some advice and forward-thinking, allowing the sport to proactively plan ahead.
At all times, the Scottish Government guidance must be followed.
Information on the Scottish Government’s approach to managing covid-19 is available at www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/ .
Additional information can be found via Health Protection Scotland at www.hps.scot.nhs.uk/web-resources-container/covid-19-guidance-for-non-healthcare-settings/
There is also information available at the following www.hps.scot.nhs.uk/a-to-z-of-topics/hand-hygiene/
Additional note for event organisers: Event licenses
Please note that as a result of the latest Scottish Government advice scottishathletics are now cancelling all event license (non-virtual) up to the end of July.
As and when we exit Phase 1 we hope to be in a more informed position to provide clarity on plans to return to events/competition for event organisers beyond that point (August 1).
Event organisers will licenses for July will receive an email on Friday from our Events team with advice on what to do next.
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