Join us for our latest webinar: Menopause, mental health & how running can help

Monday 9 September 2024

We are delighted to confirm the final information session in our menopause series with Dr Juliet McGrattan.

The hour-long webinar will take place on World Mental Health Day, Thursday 10 October, at 7:30pm.

The session will cover menopause symptoms, the impact they can have on mental health and running, and some useful tips to support mental health during the peri and menopause years.

The webinar is part of our Menopause Friendly campaign, and is open to all scottishathletics and jogscotland members, as well as Jog Leaders, coaches and any other roles connected to club activity.

A menopause expert and award-winning author and speaker, Juliet has hosted a number of webinars for us previously that have been incredibly informative and well-received.

Whether you’re experiencing menopause yourself or just want to be more informed, we’d encourage you to attend.

We’d positively encourage men to join the call, as it’s a chance for everyone to understand this stage of life better, and the ways it can affect our ability to stay active or support others.

Places will be first-come-first-served. The session will be recorded and circulated afterwards to all attendees.

Register for the webinar.

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