Join our campaign on World Menopause Day – as it’s also rolled out to athletics clubs
Wednesday 18 October 2023

Today is World Menopause Day, and we’re calling on more jogscotland groups to join our Menopause Friendly campaign, to help support joggers through this stage of life.
The award-winning campaign has 29 groups on board already, each of them pledging to make simple changes so that their sessions are more accessible to joggers going through menopause. Groups that do this, and where the jog leaders educate themselves by reading our online resources, can use our Menopause Friendly branding to promote their group.
Get started now with our Menopause and Running pages
The campaign has been such a success that a new version is today being rolled out to scottishathletics clubs, to encourage them to help many more people stay active through menopause. We’d like to offer up huge thanks to all the pioneering jog leaders who led the way in proving that there was a need for this support, and a way of putting it in place.
The new scottishathletics Menopause Friendly campaign has won the backing of Olympic champion hurdler Sally Gunnell (pictured), who has herself been outspoken about the challenges that menopause can bring.
She said: “I think it’s a great campaign, it’s a great way to see a governing body thinking. It’s probably only in the last year that we’re starting to talk about menopause in all areas, and why shouldn’t we be talking around it within sport? I think it’s quite groundbreaking and positive to see.
“Menopause can affect people in so many ways, I couldn’t believe all the different feelings – as somebody who is quite a positive person, going through the menopause, how you had some self-doubts and questioned things. Now understanding what was happening, I think it’s clear we need to talk about it, so that we can support people. Knowledge is everything, as we know in sport, and it’s the same when we’re talking about our hormones and menopause.
“I think signing up to the campaign is something that every club should do. It’s about spreading that word from within and sharing that information – that has to come from within the clubs, and we have to do it in a friendly, approachable and understandable way. So this is very good to see – I totally support the whole campaign.”
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