It’s The Big 100 Week! Share your photos and achievements with us…
Monday 4 September 2023

It’s arrived! After months of build-up – and for some Jog Scotties, many weeks of running – it’s time to celebrate all your achievements in The Big 100 Virtual event!
The Big 100 celebrates the 100th anniversary of our partners, SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health). To earn one of our fabulous, sparkly medals, you just have to set yourself any challenge involving the number 100, and enter online. We’ll send you out your medal, so you can wear it when you’ve finished, and share your fabulous medal photos with us!
Find out more about the event and enter – it’s not too late!
Among the first to finish their challenge were pals Yvonne O’Malley of jogscotland Penicuik and Jane Malcolm of Stirling Striders, pictured above. Yvonne and Jane ran an incredible 100 miles together over the course of one month, and took 100 photographs along the way, accompanied by Ron the bear, and Isa the sheep for company! They finished with a trail run in Keswick at the weekend, and were proud to show off their medals – as pictured above.
There are still plenty of challenges to be completed, both by groups and individual runners. Challenges being taken on – or already completed – by groups include:
- Killie Striders are aiming to gather 100 joggers to complete a total of 100 miles and eat 100 cakes!
- Mums on the Run Hyndland took on a group challenge to cover 100K in one week, and smashed their goal!
- Anster Allsorts will run 100 laps of Wait Community Centre playing fields
- Run Sum Running Group will be completing a 100Km relay
Individual joggers and pairs of jogging buddies are also getting in on the action, including:
- Anne Wood and Liz Pirie aimed to run down 100 different streets in Aberdeen – and in fact completed 105!
- Matthew Allan will run for 100 minutes spread over several runs
As well as raising awareness of the important work of SAMH, proceeds from the Challenge will go towards jogscotland’s ongoing work to support Scotland’s mental and physical health through getting active.
If you’d like to take part, just click the link above for more details. Dream up your challenge, get entered, and get moving! You can share your photos with us on social media using the hashtag #JSTheBig100, or email them to
Below – To Celebrate The Big 100 Week, members of On The Run Cumbernauld gathered as many jogscotland members as possible together, from several different groups, for a photo at the Cumbernauld 10K on Sunday. They aimed for 100 Jog Scotties, and while the total gathered hit 78, they’re counting the number of legs in the photo, which means they got 156!
SAMH Centenary
SAMH traces its roots back to 1923 and the pioneering work of Dr Kate Fraser CBE, from Paisley (pictured). At a time when women were expected to remain in the home and mentally ill people were routinely shut away in workhouses or prisons, often beside criminals, Dr Fraser’s dedication to using her medical experience to improve the conditions and treatment of people with mental health problems was truly inspirational and formed the earliest iteration of SAMH. It has been pioneering change ever since.
Read more about SAMH’s history
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