It’s nearly time! Enter now for The Big 100
Saturday 26 August 2023

Have you got your entry in yet for The Big 100 jogscotland Virtual Challenge?
We’re planning to celebrate all your achievements during the week of 4 September, so now’s the time to get your entry in and make sure you’ve received your sparkly new medal, ready for those race-bling photos!
We’re celebrating the 100th anniversary of our partners SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) and you can set yourself any challenge involving the number 100 to earn your medal – scroll down for some suggestions to get you thinking!
If you need any help entering online, we now have a handy guide available to walk you through it.
Don’t worry if you don’t have time to complete your challenge by the week of 4 September – we’d still love to feature you, just share or send your photos of the challenge in progress. You can post them on social media using the hashtag #JSTheBig100, or email them to
Entries cost £12.99 and all proceeds go towards supporting our work to help improve Scotland’s mental and physical health through physical activity.
Jog leaders can also buy medals in bulk to present to their joggers, so you can have a special The Big 100 session and present medals on the day!
Choose your Challenge
What will you do to earn your medal? It could be something you achieve on your own, or in a team with other members of your jogscotland group, with your friends or family. It just needs to include the number 100, so use your imaginations!
For example:
• Add up your exercise, and walk, jog, run or push a total of 100K, over a period of time.
• Get together with your jogging buddies and cover a total of at least 100K on the same day – perhaps 20 people from your jogscotland group could do 5K each, or 10 of you could attempt 10K. You could run all at once, or in a relay!
• Find and photograph 100 items on a theme while you run – 100 trees, or blue things, or shops.
• Run down 100 different streets in your locality.
• Jog leaders identify a series of 100-themed locations in your town (for example, five different addresses where the street numbers all add up to 100) and challenge members to run between them all, taking a selfie at each to prove they made it. Make sure to use addresses which you know won’t mind being included and photographed!
Just drop our Jo a message on and we’ll get you sorted!
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