Covid-19: updated guidance
Friday 21 August 2020

jogscotland welcomes the Scottish Government announcement yesterday of the latest planned moves for the route map through, and out of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and the ongoing commitment to restart sport at all levels.
The changes announced on Thursday 20 August will come into effect through a phased approach on Monday 24 August and Monday 31 August (reopening of indoor facilities).
This is therefore an important review point for the sporting sector, including ourselves. Further changes beyond the next review date on 10 September are indicative only and may be subject to change.
We have updated our detailed guidance with this information in the following documents:
Guidance for Athletes – August 21
Guidance for Clubs and Jog Groups – August 21
Guidance for Coaches and Jog Leaders – August 21
Guidance for Facilities – August 21
Key points to note in the updated guidance are:
- Outdoor contact sport – training and competition in an organised setting can resume for all ages.
- Adult jogging group sizes – from 24 August scottishathletics and jogscotland guidance will permit groups of 15 joggers to meet in a bubble.
- Physical distancing – no physical distancing is required within a bubble so there is no requirement for a 5m gap when running single file. However, we do still encourage physical distancing when possible during your session e.g. during breaks.
Further dates to note are:
Monday 31 August
- Indoor sports facilities: All indoor sports facilities will be able to re-open following appropriate guidance. Scottish Government has published general guidance for sport and leisure facilities.
- Indoor Facilities – Children Under 12: Will be able to undertake both contact and non-contact sports activity in indoor facilities. scottishathletics will work with facility providers to develop further guidance for athletics over the next week.
- Indoor Facilities – Adults and Young People Aged 12+: Will only be able to participate in non-contact sports activity in indoor facilities. scottishathletics will work with facility providers to develop further guidance for athletics over the next week.
* Indoor Facilities – we urge our members, athletes, clubs and coaches to show patience in relation to the re-opening of indoor facilities. We have already witnessed from the re-opening of outdoor facilities that facility operators find themselves in varying and difficult positions in respect of staff availability, financial situations, environmental hygiene testing availability etc.
Since 29 June, when outdoor facilities were permitted to re-open, we have seen only 40% of athletics facilities partially opening to this point. While scottishathletics staff will continue to communicate and work with all facility providers in Scotland, we ask all clubs, groups and independent coaching groups to contact their local facilities for specific updates.
Additional Indicative Dates – below dates are indicative only and may be subject to change, following the next formal review point on 10 September:
Monday 14 September
- Indoor contact sport: Allowed to resume for adults and young people aged 12 and over, following relevant guidance. (From 31 August only allowed for children under 12.)
- Events: There will be further relaxation of restrictions on indoor and outdoor events, although this will not allow all events and particularly large events to take place.
At each stage of change, scottishathletics and jogscotland will update its guidance and communicate updates to our members, groups, leaders, officials and event organisers.
It is important to remember that public health and wellbeing remains the most pressing priority and that we have a responsibility to do what we can to continue to suppress the spread of the virus and prevent a second wave.
We are also delivering an update and Q and A session for groups and Jog Leaders on Tuesday 25 August, 6-7pm. Details will be sent to all registered groups, Covid Coordinators and Jog Leaders.
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