Coronavirus update – 24 March 2020: No more group sessions
Tuesday 24 March 2020

In view of the latest advice from the Scottish and UK Government, jogscotland and scottishathletics stress that group sessions/training should not be taking place in any shape or form.
Indeed, the measures announced on Monday evening confirm that you are now restricted to one form of exercise a day and these should be undertaken alone or only with a member of your household.
Whilst jogging is predominantly an outdoor sport that allows athletes to exercise in the fresh air, the message to all of us is absolutely clear: we must play our part in containing the spread of COVID-19.
BBC News: What are Social Distancing and Self Isolation?
All at jogscotland and scottishathletics urge our members to utilise the opportunity to exercise as laid out by both governments.
But, as such, any informal small group sessions of joggers must now cease (*unless they are with your own household members as above).
We have seen some very creative home/garden sessions (safely of course) and individual challenges being set during the last week, and we would urge groups and joggers to continue to be innovative during this period, within the guidelines stated. Groups are also, of course, very much encouraged to stay in touch online to maintain the sense of community and social life that is so much a part of jogscotland.
These decisions are difficult ones to make but, right now, it is our shared responsibility to prioritise the health of our local communities by working together to follow the Scottish/UK Government guidelines.
In doing so, this will ensure that we all get back to the activity we love so much sooner.
scottishathletics can confirm that all licensed events due up to May 31 this year have been suspended due to the coronavirus crisis.
A whole host of events scheduled for the next two to three months have already been cancelled or rescheduled and these can be checked on our Events Section calendar.
We now do not anticipate any licensed scottishathletics events taking place until June at the earliest.
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