Become a jog leader – courses now available!
Thursday 21 July 2022

Could you inspire others to change their lives by getting active? Become a jogscotland jog leader, and share your passion for running with others!
You don’t have to be a fast runner to be a jog leader – in fact some of our best leaders are very new to jogging themselves and remember just how it feels to start for the first time. The most important thing is that you have lots of enthusiasm for inspiring others to get active, and stay active.
We now have places available on the Leadership in Running Fitness course at venues across Scotland. The course will teach you all you need to know to set up a jogscotland group, or to lead with an existing group.
You’ll learn about the roles and responsibilities of a jog leader; how to help people overcome the barriers that can keep them from getting active; how to plan and deliver sessions from warm up to cool down – and much more. Find out more about the course content.
The course costs £130, and includes a series of online modules followed by an in-person practical session where you’ll have the chance to meet other jog leaders in the making, and practice delivering the key parts of a jogscotland session. Your training includes mandatory first aid and safeguarding requirements, to help our jog leaders feel well-equipped to lead their joggers safely.
We are now taking bookings for the following dates and venues:
25 September – Livingston
2 October – Kilmarnock – course cancelled
15 October – Aberdeen
20 November – Motherwell
26 November – Edinburgh
27 November – Dundee
3 December – Glasgow
4 December – Grangemouth
See our full listings and book a place
Already a jog leader and want to progress?
We also have places available on the Coach in Running Fitness course, which will help you develop your skills further.
8 & 9 October 6 November and 8 January – Grangemouth
15 & 16 October, November and 28 January – Kilmarnock
For more information, see the scottishathletics Coaching Courses listings.
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