Active Girls Day – get involved!
Tuesday 20 October 2020

Active Girls Day falls on Friday 30 October, and we’re inviting you to get involved!
Studies show that girls are much more likely than boys to drop out of sports and physical activity during their teens, for a whole range of reasons which may include peer pressure, body image and confidence. So each year, we are delighted to celebrate Active Girls Day, with the aim of showing girls of all ages the joy of being active. Of course, we also welcome older ‘girls’ of all ages to take part as role models!
We’re inviting junior jog groups, schools, athletics clubs, families – anyone in a position to encourage girls to get active – as well as older runners, to join us. Sign up by emailing Andrea Gavin on and you’ll receive our pack with three suggested activity options for girls of all ages. Or if you have an idea of your own, sign up and let us know what you’re up to!
If you’re able, post photos from your activity via social media and tag us (@jogscotland on Twitter and @JogScotty on Facebook) and we’ll share them! (Please only do this if you have permission for us to share the photos via social media, and via our other channels such as Stride magazine and our website).
Find out more from Andrea herself on this video. You can also download our accessible Active Girls Day Poster, created with Boardmaker.
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