376 new jog leaders trained this year!
Friday 3 December 2021

Find out more about the LiRF course
An incredible 376 new jog leaders have been trained by the scottishathletics coach education team in 2021. They all took part in our blended learning Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) course, which sees candidates complete a series of online modules, followed by an in-person practical session.
Once in receipt of their UK Athletics jog leader licence, they are free to set up new jogscotland groups in their communities, or join the team of leaders at an existing group.
In addition to our new jog leaders, the scottishathletics coach education team also trained hundreds of athletics coaches, with the breakdown as follows:
- 19 Coaching Assistant courses – 251 attendees
- 9 Athletics Coach/Coach in Running Fitness courses – 117 attendees
- 3 Event Group Integration sessions – 20 attendees
Coaching coordinator Alison Grey (pictured) said: “We’re delighted to have trained 376 new jog leaders this year. We know jogscotland is really bouncing back with enthusiasm from the periods of covid restriction, and what better way to prove it, than to have hundreds of people joining the jog leading community?
“They’ll be a great asset to their groups and it’s exciting to be setting them off on a pathway that we hope will bring them years of fulfilment, as well as supporting many new joggers into the sport.
“What’s also really pleasing is that the digital element of the Leadership in Running Fitness course taken by jog leaders – initially introduced out of necessity during covid restrictions – has now become a useful tool run alongside and enhance the in-person element of the course.”
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