Guidance for Phase 3 of Covid-19 Exit Plan
Friday 10 July 2020

jogscotland and scottishathletics welcomed the First Minister’s announcement on Thursday (July 9) in respect of moving into Phase 3 of the Covid-19 exit route map.
We have been working collaboratively with both the Scottish Government and sportscotland to progress plans for the return of jogging following the coronavirus crisis, and we have produced further guidance for joggers, jog leaders and jogging groups, for Phase 3:
Phase 3 Guidance for Athletes and Joggers
Phase 3 Guidance for Clubs and Jog Groups
Phase 3 Guidance for Coaches and Jog Leaders
Phase 3 Guidance for Facilities
Phase 3 jogscotland Infographic
Key points to note for Phase 3 include:
* Adult jogging group sizes – as of Friday 10 July, the numbers that can mix outdoors are five households, with up to 15 people in total.
* Physical distancing remains in place and must be maintained at all times – 2m between runners who are side-by-side and 5m between runners when in single file.
* Travel distance (ie. 5 mile limit) – these restrictions were removed previously and are no longer in place.
Groups, joggers and leaders must follow the guidelines in the above documents from both a government policy, and health & safeguarding perspective. Please note that guidance may be relaxed over the weeks ahead – you must continue to follow and adapt to future Scottish Government guidance.
Under 18s
Different rules are in place for under 11s and 12-17 year olds. If you lead any sessions including under 18s (for example if you are part of an athletics club), please see the scottishathletics website for a summary of changes, and read the guidance documents for full details.
Two Zoom calls will be held for jog leaders to discuss the latest updates and ask questions of the jogscotland team at 11am and 6pm on Wednesday 15 July – details of how to sign up will be emailed to all jog leaders.
Information on the Scottish Government’s approach to managing covid-19 is available online
Additional information can be found via Health Protection Scotland at
Additionally, there is also information available at the following .
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