Membership FAQs
This page should help you find answers to the most frequently asked questions around membership. If your question isn’t answered here, please contact our membership administrator, Carol Robison.
- How do I find my nearest jogscotland group?
Visit our Group Finder and pop in your town or postcode.
The search radius defaults to 5 Miles, but you can expand that by clicking Filter Results and moving the slider that appears.
Once you have found the group you’d like to join, get in touch with the jog leader, and join jogscotland online.
- How do I join jogscotland?
Read the Join jogscotland page for information about jogscotland membership and then visit our User Portal to join.
Click “Not yet registered to use the portal? Click here’” and this will take you to the registration page.
- What are the benefits of joining jogscotland?
The biggest benefit is that as a jogscotland member, you will be able to run with our jogging groups!
For details of all the membership benefits, visit the Join jogscotland page of the website.
- How do I log in to my account?
Visit our User Portal.
Click on Sign in at the top of the page, then enter your UserName and Password.
- What do I do if I have forgotten my password?
Visit our User Portal, click on ‘Sign in’ at the top of the page then click on Forgot Password? displayed under the Sign In button.
- What do I do if I have forgotten my UserName?
Usually it is your email address. Try this first, then contact if that doesn’t work.
- When I log in using my phone, I can’t seem to renew.
Turn your phone horizontally and all renewal boxes should show up. Also look out for phones creating capital letters when entering your UserName and Password, as login details are case sensitive.
- Will I receive a membership card?
No, instead you will receive an email confirming your membership type, the dates of membership and further information about jogscotland. If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes of completing the joining process, please check your junk folder.
- How do I renew my membership?
Renewing your membership is free, but you must have an up-to-date membership to jog with a jogscotland group, so please do make sure you renew each year.
You’ll receive an email reminder 21 days before your renewal is due – just click the link in the email and follow the instructions. You can also go directly to the Customer Portal and log in to renew your membership.
If you have any difficulties logging in to renew, please e-mail
- My membership has lapsed, should I create a new membership?
No, please don’t create a new account – we’d prefer you to log in to your existing/lapsed account and renew that.
If you’re not able to access your account, even using the instructions in the UserName and Password section of these FAQs, please contact to have your login details reset.
- How do I contact jogscotland staff?
Contact details are available on our staff page.
- How can I keep up-to-date with jogscotland?
As well as visiting the News section of our website, you read the latest edition of Stride, the jogscotland magazine, and you can follow us on social media:
Latest Facebook update
2 days ago
Eating Disorder Awareness Week: Jo's Story - Jog Scotland
This week (24 Feb – 2 March) is Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Now 6 years into her own recovery journey, jogscotland’s Programme Manager, Jo Skead, has shared her experience as she hopes to help...Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linked In Share by Email