Why we’re backing the Daily Mile Nation Strategy
Monday 23 November 2020

jogscotland and scottishathletics are delighted to make a commitment to work in partnership on Scotland’s new Daily Mile Nation Strategy.
The clear goal of the project is to try and improve the health and fitness of the country over the next few years.
And the Scottish Government and The Daily Mile, supported by INEOS, have announced the appointment of Fiona Paterson in the role of Programme Manager for Scotland to help develop the strategy.
Established in Scotland in 2012 as a school-based programme, The Daily Mile sees children jog, run, walk or wheel at their own pace for 15 minutes. The activities take place a minimum of three times a week with the aim of improving health and wellbeing.
Now the Daily Mile Foundation has developed a strategy in to ensure it can be made accessible across Scotland, regardless of ability, age or personal circumstance.
‘We’re really pleased to be supporting this project and to work in partnership with the Daily Mile Foundation,’ said our chief executive, Mark Munro.
‘The vision is to increase opportunities across Scotland to participate and I see that developing into links between Daily Mile organisations, and local clubs and running groups.’
The Daily Mile is now a global success and has been adopted by 11,700+ schools and nurseries in 79 different countries. Scotland has seen huge growth with 973 schools and education settings taking part.
The Daily Mile Fit for Life website
In 2017 the Scottish Government announced its ambition for Scotland to become the first Daily Mile Nation.
The Scottish Government’s vision was to build on the success of The Daily Mile within the school settings and encourage organisations, families and individuals to embed The Daily Mile as part of their daily routine improving positive behaviours through physical activity that can benefit everyday life.
Covid-19 has created additional pressures to people’s physical and mental health. There has never been a more important time to increase activity for physical, mental and social health benefits. The Daily Mile provides a simple, free and inclusive solution.
Fiona Paterson, Programme Manager, said: ‘I am excited to be working with The Daily Mile team.
‘I am passionate about driving participation in physical activity and finding new ways to convey the life-changing benefits of regular physical activity; something which has never been more important.
‘The Daily Mile is a wonderfully inclusive initiative and can be enjoyed by schools, organisations, families or individuals. I look forward to working with partners across Scotland to deliver on the Scottish Government’s ambition of becoming the first Daily Mile Nation.’
Joe Fitzpatrick, Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing said: ‘The impact of COVID-19 has been felt by everyone in Scotland across all walks of life and provided further challenges around physical and mental health.
‘The Daily Mile can be part of the solution to improved health and wellbeing through physical activity.’
*Data from the Scottish household survey shows that only 61% of children meet the minimum daily guidelines for physical activity, which is a drop of 7% from previously reported and only 65% of adults in Scotland meet the minimum daily guidelines for physical activity.
*Research has shown, children who are physically active gain mental health benefits and have been shown to be fitter and carry the benefits of physical activity into later life.
*Fiona’s appointment to The Daily Mile Foundation is funded by the Scottish Government and will help Scotland in reaching the target to become the world’s first Daily Mile Nation.
Before joining The Daily Mile, Fiona was Programme Manager at Scottish Swimming for 10years, where she championed the importance of getting children involved in sport.
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