We’re recruiting for an important new role – National Community Impact Manager
Thursday 15 June 2023

View vacancy listing on the scottishathletics ‘Jobs in Athletics’ page
scottishathletics and jogscotland are seeking applications for a new post as our National Community Impact Manager.
This is a key role as we look to maintain momentum and grow our sport across the length and breadth of Scotland.
Our successful applicant will report to David Fallon, the scottishathletics Head of Development, and head up a National Community Impact Team.
The National Community Impact Manager will recruit National Community Impact Officers and Local Community Impact Leaders.
These moves come following our announcement of increased investment from sportscotland for scottishathletics and jogscotland.
Applications for the National Community Impact Manager post should be with us by noon on Friday 7 July.
Building a Culture of Success: More investment for our sport
Through our annual collection of diversity data across the sport, we know that the membership of scottishathletics exhibits significant under-representation from certain communities when compared with the representation of these communities in the Scottish population.
Our three main areas of underrepresentation are:
- People who live in poverty and have a low income
- People from ethnically and culturally diverse communities
- People living with a disability
The role of National Community Impact Manager will be to identify potential participants from these communities, understand and remove any real or perceived barriers to participation, and offer a range of participation opportunities to increase their mental and physical health and wellbeing.
The National Community Impact Manager will recruit National Community Impact Officers and Local Community Impact Leaders.
Thus our Community Impact Team will strive to widen access to physical activity to our under-represented communities, increasing their physical and mental health and wellbeing, and ultimately empowering everyone to achieve their own personal success in the athletics and recreational running in Scotland.
Watch: Head of Development, David Fallon, talks more about the role
Key tasks will include:
*Supporting the Head of Development to develop a National Community Impact and Participation Strategy.
*Leading on the planning and delivery of related projects as identified by the Head of Development.
*Identifying, developing, and managing appropriate national and local partnerships to support and enhance the National Community Impact and Participation Strategy.
*Recruiting and line managing an experienced team of National Community Impact Officers and Local Community Impact Leaders.
*Working with our under-represented communities to develop and implement appropriate participation opportunities,
*Working in partnership with scottishathletics’ Coach Education team to upskill Local Community Impact Leaders, ensuring there are appropriate and frequent coach education opportunities to develop the expanding community workforce.
*Supporting the CEO and Head of Development to explore and secure any commercial and sponsorship opportunities to ensure the long-term sustainability of the project.
*Supporting and delivering on scottishathletics’ commitment to Scotland’s Mental Health Charter, reducing the barriers for anyone with a mental health problem to engage, participate and achieve in physical activity and sport.
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