Temporary closure of membership and renewals
Friday 26 October 2018

Please note that jogscotland and scottishathletics will be transferring to a new membership system in November.
As a result, we will not be able to take any new memberships or renewals for a period of around two weeks, starting from midnight on 30 October.
Our membership forms and renewals will be switched off during this period to enable the transfer of membership data to our new system. Please note: there will be no scottishathletics events open for entries during this time.
Jog Leaders are advised that they can allow new members to come to their groups during this period without completing an online membership, but they should ensure that these members join as soon as the new membership system launches. New joggers should complete a PARQ as usual at or before their first session.
If you would like to be notified when the new membership system launches, please click here and enter your email address.
As the new membership system launches, all members will receive an email inviting them to log on and verify their accounts – it is important that you do this.
The new system will mean that members can log on to their accounts to see their expiry dates, renew online, set up annual direct debits for paid (scottishathletics) memberships, and see all scottishathletics family memberships gathered on one profile.
There will be some changes to scottishathletics membership numbers (see the scottishathletics website for more details) but there will be no changes to jogscotland membership numbers.
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