Our 20th Birthday – two chances to win £100 vouchers for your group!
Tuesday 5 July 2022

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of jogscotland, and we’re excited for you to celebrate with us! We’ve already launched our 20th Birthday Virtual 5K, and now we have two more ways that your group can mark the special occasion – with two opportunities to win £100 of vouchers for your jogscotland group in the process!
jogscotland Bake Off!
We know that a lot of our groups are fuelled by cake, and we heartily approve! We’d love for the brilliant bakers out there to bake us a birthday cake (or cup cakes, or biscuits, or whatever you fancy) to share with your group and celebrate our 20th birthday.
Send us a photograph of your celebration bake during the month of July, and we’ll choose our favourite and award the winning group with £100 of vouchers to spend on your jogscotland group.
Much as we’d love to go on tour and taste test all the bakes, or receive party bags in the mail at the office, it sadly won’t be possible to try them all, so we’ll come clean and say that our judging will be based purely on appearance – so go to town on your decorating! (Though we’re sure your jogging pals will let you know what they think about the taste too…). Please be honest and only submit photographs of bakes by members of your group, not paid-for professionally made cakes.
jogscotland Photo Competition!
For those of you who are not such great shakes in the kitchen, don’t worry, there’s another opportunity for you to help us celebrate.
We’d love for you to send us group photos from your jogging sessions on the theme of ’20’ – that’s it, that’s the brief, and we’d love to see you being as imaginative as possible in your photographs! Perhaps you have 20 runners, or you’re doing 20 second intervals, a 20 minute run, passing 20mph signs… the more creative the better!
Our favourite 20-themed photograph posted or sent in during the month of July will snag the winning group a prize of £100 of vouchers to spend on your jogscotland group.
How to enter
Post your cake and 20-themed photos on social media during July with the #jogscotland20 tag (and tag @jogscotland on twitter or Instagram), or email them to jogscotland@scottishathletics.org.uk with #jogscotland20 in the subject line. Don’t forget to tell us the name of your group.
All photos submitted may be shared on our social media and/or in Stride magazine so please make sure everybody included is happy for their photograph to be shared.
Host a birthday party!
Why not combine all three of our celebrations in one? Sign up for our Virtual 5K as a group, and on the night you run it, share cake and have a photoshoot!
Note: The type of vouchers given will be agreed with winners after they are chosen and may be given to competition entrant or jog leader in charge of the group.
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