jogscotland Challenge Series 2016!
Thursday 24 March 2016

We are delighted to announce this year’s jogscotland Challenge Series events!
As ever, the events we include in our series are chosen to be particularly welcoming to joggers, not just the preserve of competitive athletes. They offer a variety of locations, routes, and distances, from Highland trails to urban pavements.
Whichever event you choose to take part in, the one thing you can be sure of, is that if it’s a jogscotland Challenge event, you’ll receive a warm welcome, whether you’re new to jogging, or an experienced runner. Whatever your experience, speed, goals, age, shape or size, you’ll feel at home and get a real sense of achievement from taking part in the jogscotland Challenge events.
Get the dates in your diary!
Just click on the links below for entry information (or organiser information where entries are not yet open)
Run Balmoral Wee Trail – 24/04/2016
Arran Coastal Trail Run – 30/04/2016
Peterhead 5K – 26/06/2016
Hawick 5K – 28/08/2016
Pitlochry 5K – 18/09/2016
River Ness 5K & Baxters River Ness 10K (Inverness) – 25/09/2016
Christmas Cracker – 04/12/2016
The first event of the year is the three mile Wee Trail Race at Run Balmoral on 24 April. This is the third year that the Wee Trail has been part of our Challenge Series, and we’re delighted to welcome them back! It’s part of a whole weekend of running events at Balmoral, from the MPH Primary Schools 1.5K to the testing 15 mile trail race.
The action then moves to Arran, for a brand new addition to the series, the Arran Coastal 12km Trail Race. One of the greatest hits of last year’s Challenge Series was the Gate to Gate 5K on Arran, so we’re delighted to be able to offer another event on the island this year. It’s a more testing distance this time, but guaranteed to offer you incredible views and a superb atmosphere.
On 26 June we return to a well-established and well-loved member of the Challenge Series, with the Peterhead 5K. This is part of the Peterhead Running Festival, a whole day of brilliant events organised by Peterhead Jogscotland. Their hard work and commitment shine through in a fantastic, fun day out, which brings together lots of other local organisations, and creates a real sense of community.
From there, we head south, to the popular Hawick 5K on 28 August. Organised by Teviotdale Harriers, this small-but-perfectly-formed event has had rave reviews from participants who have loved the friendly feel. It’s a great blend of town and country, with the route on tarmac, but plenty of chance to enjoy the lush greenery of the Borders in late summer.
On 18 September, we head to Pitlochry for their 5K event, organised by LiveActive. With a 10K on the same day, the town will be buzzing with activity, and we’re delighted to be back for the second year.
We’re then up in Inverness on 25 September, for one of Scotland’s great running festivals. The Baxters River Ness 10K and the River Ness 5K Fun Run will again be part of our Challenge Series.
And finally, one of our longest-lived and most-loved events, the Christmas Cracker 5K will take place at Broadwood Stadium in Cumbernauld on 4 December.
With plenty of opportunity for fancy dress, the event, organised by North Lanarkshire Leisure, takes place alongside two children’s events, so you can have a festive family day out!
We’ll see you at the start line!
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