Walking groups

If you’re not sure you’re ready to go to our beginners’ jog sessions, why not ask your local jogscotland group if they have walking sessions? With the help of trained leaders, you’ll work your way through a progressive programme that alternates short periods of brisk walking with periods of gentler walking to let you get your breath back.
Over ten weeks, the amount of brisk walking you do will gradually increase, until you’re able to walk briskly for 40 minutes – which means you’re more than fit enough to start a Beginners’ jogging session.
If you decide you’d like to continue walking in the long term, rather than becoming a jogger, Paths for All organises sociable walking groups all over Scotland, with trained leaders.
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2 days ago
Eating Disorder Awareness Week: Jo's Story - Jog Scotland
This week (24 Feb – 2 March) is Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Now 6 years into her own recovery journey, jogscotland’s Programme Manager, Jo Skead, has shared her experience as she hopes to help...Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Linked In Share by Email