Jog Leader Conference – full line-up
Thursday 18 October 2018

We’ve a brilliant line-up for the 2018 Jog Leader Conference, to be held at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow on 3 November. The day will have a focus on mental health and physical activity.
Special guests include Commonwealth Games high jumper, Jayne Nisbet, who has spoken in detail about her own battles with bulimia, and about the links between mental and physical health. We’ll also hear from Olympic marathon runner Freya Ross, talking about her experience of dealing with the pressure of competition (and for the foodies among you, there’ll be the chance to snap up a copy of Freya’s runners’ recipe book, Food on the Run!).
We’ll have a session from Robert Nesbitt, Head of Physical Activity and Sport at SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health). Robert (pictured left) recently led a workshop for jog leaders in Galashiels, and comments from participants after the event included: “Came away totally blown away by Robert’s enthusiasm and passion for SAMH. Thank you.” “Great session” and “A lovely, lovely man and very inspirational.”
There’ll be the opportunity to share and learn with your peers – we’ll hear from jog leader Jordan Stitt of West Dunbartonshire, discussing his own experiences of jog leading, and there’ll be plenty of time to meet to and chat with other jog leaders.
Interactive workshops will be offered by personal trainers from DW Fitness First, on strength & conditioning, and Scott MacAuley from Glasgow City Physiotherapy on injury reduction. There’ll also be sessions on Breaking Down Barriers, and on Social Media, with staff from jogscotland and SAMH.
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