Enter now for the jogscotland Challenge Pitlochry 5K!
Tuesday 5 July 2016

Enter now for the jogscotland Challenge Pitlochry 5K on 18 September!
We are delighted that the jogscotland Challenge Series is visiting Pitlochry for the second time. The event offers the chance for both jogscotland members and non-members to walk, jog or run in a safe and fun atmosphere. Whether you are trying out an organised event for the first time, or pushing for a new PB, you’ll be made welcome. The 5K will take place alongside the well-established 10K event, which is in its 11th year.
CLICK TO ENTER NOW for both the 5K and 10K events!
The event will be chip-timed. Pre-entries are available until Thursday 15 September. Entries will also be available on the day from 10.30am to 12.30pm at Live Active Atholl.
ENTER NOW online, or for more information contact Live Active Atholl, Pitlochry on 01796 473866.
The jogscotland Challenge Series is a selection of events around the country, specially-chosen to be particularly welcoming to beginners. Check out the full series!
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