Annual Awards – nominations extended!
Thursday 8 September 2016

ABOVE: Muir of Ord jogscotland at the 2015 Awards
The nomination period for our Annual Awards has been extended until 9am on Monday 12 September!
Now’s your last chance to nominate for Achiever, Leader and Group of the Year.
We’re particularly keen to receive more nominations in the Achiever of the Year category.
Do you know a jogscotland member who has really excelled this year? They might be a complete beginner who has beaten the odds to get active for the first time, or a more experienced runner who has done something extraordinary. Whoever they are, we’d love to hear about them, so put your thinking caps on, and get nominating!
All the shortlisted nominees will be invited to join us as the awards are presented alongside the scottishathletics awards at the Hilton Hotel in Glasgow, on Saturday 29 October.
The event is a fantastic night out, and this year will offer the chance to rub shoulders with Scotland’s Olympians and Paralympians.
Want some inspiration? Read about last year’s winners. You can also download a copy of the Guidance Notes.
BUY YOUR TICKETS! Tickets are now on sale for the Annual Awards Dinner on Saturday 29 October at the Hilton Hotel in Glasgow, with special guest Derek Redmond (read more).
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