Scottish Women & Girls in Sport Week: Ruth Toller

Saturday 5 October 2024

It’s Scottish Women & Girls in Sport Week and we are shining a light on some of our fantastic female Jog Leaders.

Today we are chatting to Ruth Toller of Ardler Running Ladies, a women’s only jog group based in Dundee.

How long have you been involved with jogscotland and when did you become a leader?

I’ve been involved with jogscotland for at least 12 years and been a Leader for 7. Before joining the group I had done most of my running alone (and still do a lot by myself) but I found it encouraging to have others to share with and learn from.

What made you want to become a jog leader?

Having enjoyed being in the group I felt I could use my experience to help others. I only took up running regularly again when I was nearly 60 and have done things I never thought possible since then which, I think, has helped others to see age isn’t a barrier.

What is your favourite thing about being a jog leader? Please feel free to share any stories / highlights

I really like to see people progress and try things they haven’t done before. The oldest two in the group have gone from <10k to doing 10miles and a half marathon in their 70’s.

Why is it important to have women & girls in leadership positions?

Our group is all women but in another group I run with there are several women leaders and they add a lot to the group. They tend to be more supportive to the ones struggling a bit and the ones I know also seem to be more willing to try different things and stretch their limits. A lot of women run, or would like to, but feel out of place when the leaders are mostly men and so mostly faster.

What would you say to someone else thinking about becoming a jog leader?

I would say it’s a great thing to be able to help others achieve their potential.

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