Tag Along campaign – get involved!
Monday 12 December 2022

We’re heading towards New Year, which is always one of the busiest times for jogging groups as everyone dives into their New Year’s resolutions! This year we’ve got a campaign planned to help our groups capitalise on one of the things we know is most successful in attracting new members – world of mouth.
We’d like to our members to encourage their friends and family to Tag Along to your group in January and give it a try! Jog leaders can sign their group up for the campaign now and start activities ready for the New Year. When you sign up:
- You’ll be sent some A4 pages with a luggage tag design. Joggers then write a message onto the tag to encourage their friends and family along. We’ll send you some prompts when you sign up, such as “What do you get from the group?” “How does jogging with the group make you feel?”
- Joggers are photographed holding up their tags, with the text legible (and ideally their happy smiling face in the pic too, if you can manage both!)
- When January rolls around, joggers post their photo on their own social media, encouraging people they know to Tag Along with them and give the group a try.
- Jog Leaders post all their group’s photos on the group social media, and share them with us, so we can post them on jogscotland channels.
- We encourage jog leaders to consider holding specific ‘come and try’ sessions in January so that people who see the posts, have a welcoming session to Tag Along to.
If you’d like to take part, please register your group’s details and an information pack will be sent to you w/c Dec 18.
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