Jog Leader Conference 2018
Thursday 13 September 2018

We are delighted to announce that we will be holding a Jog Leader Conference in Glasgow on 3 November. The event, which runs from 10am to 3.30pm at the Emirates Arena, will offer the chance for Jog Leaders to meet other Jog Leaders, with speakers and workshops on a range of topics. It takes place on the same day as the FPSG scottishathletics and jogscotland Annual Awards, so people travelling to Glasgow for the awards can combine the two.
Speakers will include Robert Nesbitt of our partners, SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health), Commonwealth Games High Jumper, author and speaker Jayne Nisbet, and Jordon Stitt, Jog Leader from West Dunbartonshire. Workshops will include strength and conditioning, foam rolling, social media, and breaking down the barriers to participation. Lunch and refreshments during the day will be provided.
There will be space for 50 Jog Leaders, with a charge of £10 per head to help contribute towards the costs.
We hope this will be the first in a range of CPD opportunities for Jog Leaders, with future events building on feedback received from this event.
Click to sign up now!
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