Get set to tie your Rainbow Laces!
Thursday 15 September 2016

Next week – 19-25 September – will see the launch of the Rainbow Laces campaign for 2016, and we’re encouraging jogscotland groups to get involved!
Last year, scottishathletics (the parent organisation of jogscotland) took part in the Rainbow Laces campaign, encouraging athletes to wear rainbow laces in their running shoes to stand up against homophobia in sport (see photographs below). This year, we are joining with organisers Stonewall Scotland again, and we hope jogscotland groups will join us to show their support for the LGBT community.
All our Jog Leaders have been contacted and advised that they can request a supply of FREE rainbow laces for their group, and a community toolkit full of suggestions, advice and information. There are also posters available on request.
All participants need to do is wear the laces at an event or jogging session during the week of 19-25 September (or at any other time, if this is not possible) and show your support by posting photos and/or messages on social media to show that you welcome LGBT people to your group.
Stonewall will celebrate groups taking part by amplifying their actions on their social media channels and featuring participants on their website. If you are Tweeting, you can use the hashtag #RainbowLaces, and tag @jogscotland too, so we can see what you’re all up to! On facebook, tag Stonewall Scotland and jogscotland, and if your group/page is public, we’ll be able to see it!
For more information on jogscotland‘s involvement in the Rainbow Laces campaign, please contact Fran Snitjer at scottishathletics on
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